Is Low Testosterone Causing Your Problems?

Your hormones are tiny messengers that help regulate most of the processes in your body, ranging from your metabolism and appetite to your sleep cycle and body temperature. They also play a crucial role in reproduction, sexual function, and mood. 

Because of the complex role hormones play in your body, even the smallest imbalance can cause a wide range of unpleasant symptoms. They can strike at any age. 

Our team at Urology Associates of Southeastern North Carolina provides personalized care to men, women, and teenagers in the Wilmington, North Carolina, area. As experts in men’s health, they’re sharing these insights into low testosterone and signs that you could have an imbalance.

Testosterone basics

Both men and women have testosterone. However, this hormone imbalance typically impacts men more often than women.

Testosterone, a male sex hormone, is produced mostly in the testicles. It plays several roles, including:

  • Developing the testes and penis
  • Regulating sex drive and sperm production
  • Deepening of the voice during puberty
  • Triggering facial and body hair growth during puberty
  • Supporting muscle strength and size
  • Encouraging bone growth and strength

This hormone also helps to regulate mood.

The problems with testosterone imbalance

Like any hormone imbalance, you can have too little or too much testosterone. That said, you’re far more likely to experience low testosterone than to have higher-than-normal levels — especially as you age.

Once men reach 30, their testes start producing less testosterone. This is a very gradual drop, typically 1-2% a year. This natural decrease means that more than one-third of men over 45 have lower testosterone levels. 

In addition to the aging process, you can also develop low testosterone because of illness or injury, such as:

  • Head injury 
  • Pituitary gland tumors
  • Testicular infection or damage
  • Metabolic disorders, like diabetes
  • Kidney failure
  • Chemotherapy

Obesity and alcohol abuse can also lead to low testosterone.

Signs of low testosterone in men

First, it’s important to note that determining “normal” or optimal testosterone levels can be tricky. This is especially true since the level of testosterone you have in your system can actually vary dramatically just within a single day.

However, adult men with low testosterone usually develop a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Hot flashes
  • Body and facial hair loss
  • Loss of muscle strength and mass
  • Poor concentration, irritability, and depression
  • Increased breast size
  • Decreased testicle size
  • Bone loss and increased fracture risks
  • Anemia

It’s also possible to experience changes that impact your sexual health, like erectile dysfunction, low libido, and fertility issues. 

Treating low testosterone

Fortunately, there are several treatments to restore hormone balance. 

After reaching a diagnosis, we could recommend testosterone replacement therapy. These medications work to rebalance your hormones through patches, gels, injections, or pellets.

No matter which testosterone replacement therapy you use, we monitor your progress throughout the process to ensure the best results.

Don’t wait to find relief for your symptoms. Call our office at (910) 763-6251 in Wilmington, North Carolina, or request an appointment online today.

Wilmington Location


1905 Glen Meade Rd.,
Wilmington, NC 28403

Southport Location


4222 Long Beach Rd SE Suite B,
Southport, NC 28461


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