I Regret My Vasectomy

One of the most appealing things about a vasectomy is its permanence. Plus, it's nearly 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. At the same time, there are several reasons to later wish you could turn back time and skip having the procedure altogether. 

Approximately 6% of men regret having a vasectomy at some point. For some, it’s because they’ve changed their mind about having children. But 1-2% of men also develop chronic scrotal pain after their first procedure. 

No matter what’s causing your regret, a vasectomy reversal could offer solutions.

At Urology Associates of Southeastern North Carolina in Wilmington, North Carolina, our experienced team can work with you to determine if you’re a good candidate for a vasectomy reversal. 

How a vasectomy reversal works

A vasectomy stops sperm from getting released from your body during ejaculation. We accomplish this by cutting the vas deferens. These tubes connect your testicles (where sperm gets produced) to your penis (where it gets ejaculated). 

After having a vasectomy, your testicles continue making seminal fluid. When it can no longer leave your testes, however, it simply gets reabsorbed into your body.

There are two ways to reverse a vasectomy: vasovasostomy and vasoepididymostomy. 


The most common method involves reopening and reconnecting the severed ends of the vas deferens. This process, known as a vasovasostomy, allows sperm to flow from the testicles again and mix with semen for ejaculation.


Sometimes, a vasoepididymostomy is a more effective vasectomy reversal technique. This process works by connecting the vas deferens to the epididymis, the small coiled tube located behind the testicle. The epididymis stores sperm and carries it away from the testes.

We determine which approach is best for you after accessing the vas deferens and checking for sperm in the closed portion nearest to your testicle. If we find sperm in the fluid, we move forward with a vasovasostomy. 

If sperm isn’t present, we perform a vasoepididymostomy to bypass blockages in the area.

In some cases, you could need a vasovasostomy on one side and a vasoepididymostomy on the other.

What to expect from a vasectomy reversal

It's essential to note that we can reverse a vasectomy, but that doesn't guarantee success — or future pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy rates after vasectomy reversals vary from 30 to 70%

Studies also show that only 1-2 women in 1,000 become pregnant within the first year of their partner’s vasectomy reversal.

Factors that play a role in your ability to conceive children include the:

  • Amount of scar tissue in the vas deferens or epididymis
  • Age of you and your partner
  • Fertility of you and your partner

You can also reverse a vasectomy for up to 20 years or longer after your procedure. However, the longer you wait can directly impact its success, especially if it has been more than 10 years.

When to have a vasectomy reversal

If you regret your vasectomy, the first step is scheduling an appointment with an expert. We can discuss your concerns, expectations, and the best course of treatment based on your individual needs during this consultation. 

As experts in men’s health, we can provide the insights and expertise you need, especially in intimate issues like fertility.

Don’t wait to schedule a visit if you regret your vasectomy. Contact our office in Wilmington, North Carolina, by calling (910) 763-6251, or request an appointment online today.

Wilmington Location


1905 Glen Meade Rd.,
Wilmington, NC 28403

Southport Location


4222 Long Beach Rd SE Suite B,
Southport, NC 28461


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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