How Many Times Should I Urinate Each Day?

Have you ever found yourself running to the bathroom more often than your best friend? Or do you go all day without needing to empty your bladder? 

Everyone is different, so it can be challenging to figure out what’s “normal” and what’s not when it comes to daily urination. But that doesn’t mean your bladder isn’t trying to tell you something.

Our team at Urology Associates of Southeastern North Carolina specializes in the urinary tract. We see male and female patients of all ages at each of our locations in Wilmington and Southport, North Carolina. People often ask us how many times they should urinate each day. The simple answer? It depends.

If you’ve ever wondered about daily urination, here’s what you need to know.

Why you should pay attention to urinary frequency

Before looking at numbers, it’s important to understand why urination matters, starting with the basics. Each time you urinate, of course, waste leaves your body. 

Your kidneys make urine by filtering waste and extra fluid from your bloodstream. This liquid passes through your ureters to your bladder for storage. When your bladder fills up, it signals your brain that it’s time to find a bathroom. Finally, the urine exits your body through your urethra.

This intricate system works closely to provide normal urinary function. Each day, adult kidneys filter 120-150 quarts of blood to remove waste and keep your bodily fluids in balance, creating around 1-2 quarts of urine on a daily basis.

What urination says about your body

Your kidneys may produce quarts of urine each day, but the average adult bladder can hold only about 1½-2 cups at a time. On top of that, the amount of urine your body makes depends on several factors, such as:

  • How much food and liquid you consume
  • What types of food or fluids you ingest
  • How much liquid you lose by breathing and sweating
  • What medications, supplements, or herbs you may take
  • Whether you have any medical conditions, including pregnancy or recent childbirth

As a result, urinary frequency varies from person to person. In most cases, it’s common for people to urinate 6-7 times within a 24-hour period. However, urinating 4-10 times per day can still be OK if the frequency doesn’t interfere with your quality of life.

When urination frequency could indicate a problem

While there may not be hard or fast numbers with how many times you should urinate each day, there are urinary tract symptoms you shouldn’t ignore — whether you urinate rarely or frequently.

Signs of a urinary issue might include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Discolored or cloudy urine
  • Strong or foul-smelling urine
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Leaking between bathroom visits
  • Back pain 
  • Pain or burning while urinating
  • Dramatic changes to urinary frequency or output

These symptoms could indicate a medical issue, ranging from urinary tract infection and overactive bladder to prostate problems, interstitial cystitis, or diabetes.

We can offer solutions if you have questions about urinary frequency or other symptoms associated with urination. Call our Urology Associates of Southeastern North Carolina office nearest you or request an appointment here on our website today.

Wilmington Location


1905 Glen Meade Rd.,
Wilmington, NC 28403

Southport Location


4222 Long Beach Rd SE Suite B,
Southport, NC 28461


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